What is the Difference between Life Coaching and Therapy?
In therapy, the focus is on healing the past so that people can find contentment in the present and a more hopeful future.
Life Coaching is more focused problem-solving work with a Life-Educated and Wise Professional.
What makes me different from other Life Coaches?
I have been blessed/cursed with a very full life with a wide variety of life experiences. My non-judgmental approach to individuals show just how much I respect the Human Experience. I'm not here to change you, but my clients that have coached with me say that their lives have indeed been changed because of the work we did together!
What can you expect from working with me?
I offer unique perspectives on relationships, so the biggest change you will experience is that you will have a new appreciation and respect for yourself and who you are in all of your relationships whether they be professional, personal or family relationships.
How much of a commitment and cost is life coaching?
Each client is offered a Free 15-min consulting session to determine the scope and topic of services desired. Coaching sessions are often longer sessions as single sessions are also available for those who do not wish to have an ongoing coaching relationship.
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24 - 48 hours!